Our team does research in the fields of transportation safety, mobility, travel behavior, as well as applies digital twinning to analyze different traffic scenarios. It has an expertise in computer vision and is home to advanced driving simulators. Although the lab was founded by Prof. Mohamed Abdel–Aty in 2018, the research and development work started more than 25 years ago. At any given moment, the lab hosts on average a team of about 25 researchers from different parts of the world with various expertise.
Real-Time Safety Analysis
Big Data, Simulation
UCF-SST is also devoted to extensive traffic simulation efforts, including microscopic traffic simulation, driving simulators, co-simulation, and digital twins. Our self-developed multi-driver and pedestrian in-the-loop digital twin co-simulation framework is the state-of-the-art in the field.
Human Factors and Travel Behavior
In addition to transportation safety, the SST Lab also studies how people travel, adopt new technologies as well as examines behaviors of the non-motorized road users. The team aims to explore transportation through the lens of the environment, climate change, equity, and healt